Organized religion has done no great favor for humanity: most wars are waged on
definitions of God, interpretation of ancient literature, and differences in culture. We are
now at a crossroads as we are experiencing breakthroughs in technology and science; with
these new ideas, we are asked yet again to reinterpret God. What FORD has done is not to
discard organized religion, but to show how one's own religion and ideas of free will can
blend with the multi-verse along with the theory of a collective conscience. In Becoming God
we now have an interpretation of God that agrees with the teaching of the great religious figures
and also has room for scientific explanation and interpretation. This new interpretation is robust,
free from stereotype, and gives the ability to have different religions see that they are more similar
than they are different. In Becoming God we see that the possibilities in our lives are actually
tangible, and that we are actors on the stage of the world. We are living, but the possibility that
we are dreaming cannot be disproven; therefore, we can engage our weaknesses and fears
with a renewed vigor.
Mark R. Shaya, MD
Department of Neurosurgery
University of Miami Hospital
Miami, FL
It’s imperative that I articulate my intention to you so that you know where my mind and heart is
pertaining your work. The work you have created and packaged in the form of “Becoming God” is
the single most powerful actualization that I have come to know in my life. For this I am eternally
grateful to you. The ramifications of this work is endless- where religious wars will be transcended
by the spiritual enlightenment of the fact that we are all from the same source and are merely
choosing to manifest one futile possibility verses a harmonious collaboration between cultures
for the greater good. I can write an infinite amount of pages about the global impact and possibilities,
but I know that you know all this too well.
-Sam S., Los Angeles California__________________________________________________________________________________
"FORD has tapped into what the avatars have been telling us for millenia (and we've ignored) and quantum mechanics has now confirmed. Listen to his message and you too can experience the wonder."
Ed Morler,MBA,PhD, Award-winning author
The Leadership Integrity Challenge: Assessing and Facilitating Emotional Maturity and
Being Gandhi: Living Our Noble Potential
Yesterday I started to read Becoming God in the morning and, unable to put it down,
I finished it before supper, taking the day off from my part-time job. It is the book that
I have been trying to write for the past few years, and you have done a fabulous job --
much better than I could ever have done. It really makes me feel much more optimistic
about our developing world to see a book like yours, filled with fabulous information
and easy to read. My wife and I are Community Group Leaders on Vancouver Island for
the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) and we would like to promote your book with our
contacts. Have you promoted your book yet to IONS, and to similar organizations in the world?
Robert Radford, Cobble Hill, BC Canada
___________________________________________________________________________________________Indescribable. I would not know where to begin. It is hands down, THE GREATEST BOOK I HAVE EVER
READ IN MY LIFE. No one or anything has made a bigger impact on anyone in history. I have read and
re read and re read. If I were to tell you that I have gone through it over 75 times... I do not know
what to say. This is a book has become my life. I live by it. I do not know how I will put into words
what you have done for me... I will do my best. On another not, I listen to "Pure Imagination" on repeat
and I have listened to the remainder of the songs on your cd to the point of almost wearing it out. -Pavlos Francis - Los Angeles___________________________________________________________________________________________
My Husband is an engineer and if you can't prove it with science it doesn't exist. I grew up in a
very religious home and faith was huge. When I married my husband I needed to find a balance
between science and religion. After years of sole searching and study, I became very spiritual and
almost cosmic rather than religious. When I read "Becoming God" it spoke volumes. What had taken
me years to discover on my own was right there in black and white confirming my convictions and
giving me comfort knowing that I was not alone. Many are searching for answers, looking to find balance
between science and religion. Thank You Ford for putting it into perspective.
-Jill King, Wife and Mother - Murrieta, CA
"In a world where belief is the binding force of individual and collective realities, Ford has penned an
approachable work which allows readers to secure a deeper understanding of their innate powers of creation.
In reading and studying this book, one ceases to allow external systems to determine reality by centering
attention and intention on the process of active co-creation, thus truly . . . Becoming God."
Baruti KMT
Radical Scholar
Hello, I now believe in some level I am thanking myself for the information within your/my book. I have always
thought on some unconscious level that I have some impact on the outcome of my life. This book has only confirmed
my assumptions. My journey to the truth has lead me to this very moment where I write myself and acknowledge
that I am well on my way to understanding who I am. Even in just the short period of time that I have adopted
these principals into my awaking awareness I have made changes. Winning $1000.00 on a lottery ticket, changing the
“negative” energy of the people around me, even business in my place of work is picking up just because I have
been focusing my attention onto bettering my carrier within.
My conscious being is even calm and confident, almost as if I am just enjoying the moment eagerly awaiting
what interesting scenario I can manifest nest. I still need some work but I am well on my way to enlightenment!
I had a very strange connection to this book, almost as if my entire life’s thoughts and questions was manifested
into this book. Even who you are as you explained early in the book is almost who I think I am. At least your
struggles and beliefs.
This very e-mail is just another piece to my lucid reality, my yellow brick road.
-Trevor McQuay
I finished the book last night. I can't even describe in a short email how inspiring and awesome
your book is. It was such a cool feeling to read your words & thoughts; it was like deja vu
because a lot of it is things that I think to myself. Crazy!!!! :)
-Lori Jones Cumming, Georgia
___________________________________________________________________________________________Well I got the mp3 files today and I listened to all of it, I just couldn't stop. WOW! Mind numbing to say the least! I will have to ponder this some more.
I just wanted to drop you a quick like to say thanks for posting this. I feel I really
needed it and I can now appreciate more of Abraham Hicks work because of it;
exponetially more.
That was a one sitting read man. I can count the number of books I have read in one sitting
on my fingers. Though I am familiar with most of the concepts you touch on as it is my lifes
study and work, and have practiced many years of medetation on these ideas, I think you did
us all a great service by bringing them into one flowing understandable book.
- Sadehu, Jerusalim
I just bought your audio book........... very interesting ideas. I believe in most of it, but I also
found it very spiritual and I got alot of helpful info in it.
Thank you for writing such an inspirational book.
-Idelond Dania Beach, Fl.
My friend just told me about this and i'm intersted in spirituality;
but i was never ever expecting something like THIS!!
My God- the answer to the meaning of life, to how everything
is connected, to what my purpose here is-- all backed by serious
quantum physics discoveries. I don't know how you discovered all this
but my brian is fried.
I am going to take the key information here and become a
MANIFESTING MACHINE!! Now I know why cheesy movies like The Secret
didn't work and other manifestation books- The key is really
in this book!! Best book i have read! Gonna email some friends about it
and hope they are open to this- the title was a little out there at the beginning
but know i get it-- WOW!
-David Cresington, Los Angeles
This book has changed my life in ways I never thought possible. I never thought that I could be
this happy. Thank you for bringing happiness and completion back into my life again.
Somehow words just don't express it.
- Sandy, Atlanta Georgia
The book is life changing man - love it I re-read the end alot to keep my focus. Be good do good!
- Pyke, New York City
I have read this book at least 100 times and everytime I discover something new about myself.
This book has been a life preserver for me at my most desperate hour. Thank You Ford, Thank You.
- Alex Bender, Ocala Florida
After reading this - I don't worry anymore... I know now I am creating my reality - percieving it
- ho ho!! I am the author of my own perception! I feel so ebullient, does this feeling ever wear off?
- Ellen Sherman, Lake Lanier Georgia__________________________________________________________________________________________
I stumbled upon this book and I saw the title and I said to myself, "What is this?" I noticed the
beautiful artwork on the cover and I know the old cliche that you can't judge a book by its cover,
but this one not only breaks this rule but all the others, as well. I have read books by Wayne Dyer,
Deepak Chopra, Fred Allan Wolf and The Dalai Lama. I have seen the movies, What The Bleep
Do We Know, The Secret, Conversations with God and none of these have come close to what
I have experienced by just reading this book. The funny thing is that the author was an atheist
before he wrote it trying to use science to disprove God. It seems the author's experience of
enlightenment or whatever (I don't even know what to call it) was mirrored to
me as I read the book, just as it did when he wrote it. As many times as I stood up with attention
from where I was sitting, (when understanding what he was saying), I realized that
what I was understanding was an experience in itself!! It blew my mind, literally, and I never
knew I could ever think this way! To try and classify this book would do it injustice. This is unlike
anything I have ever read. Its so many things...Motivational, self-help, scientific, and spiritual.
What is so funny and different from other books is that the author says, "This book is whatever
you want it to be."
I am telling my friends and family and everyone I meet to get this book. Once someone
reads this they will never be the same, I am proof of that. Thank you, the author, for writing this book. The world has been waiting for this for a long time.
- Daphne Flowers, Chicago illinois
Dear Ford,
I've achieved so much in so little time, and I owe it all to wonderful beings as yourself. Everything
really is such a dream. The illusion is everything you do affects the illusion somehow.
Betsy Dyer, Assistant Producer
I Just finished reading your book...
Phenomenal is how I would describe it in one word... Everything you talk about in the book
is what I have been studying over the past two years, with the exception of the multi-verse.
I really liked how you built everything up and then tied it all together in the end.
I started reading the book sunday evening and finished reading it last night.
Jonathan, Funroe, Georgia
This phenominal book has the potential to change the world one person at a time. It is the
instruction manual to building the life that is your dream and expanding the dream beyond
your wildest expectations. After reading Becoming God, I slowly began to transform my life
into what I really wanted and needed it to be. The more i practice the principles of the book,
the better it gets. It brings science to faith removing the doubt that left me paralyzed in a self
imposed hell for years. Ford is a genius.
-Clifton Hill, Baltimore Mayland
I Just finished the book for the first time and on for the second time. I must thank you for tying up some loose ends on my journey of self-awareness. Your book was very
thorough and flowed very easily. You should be very proud of the accomplishment of this book.
-Ryan Campbell
You and what you teach saved my life.
-Lars Conwhy
Ford, Your book forever changed my life. Never has anything I thought, read, been
put into such great perspective. THANK YOU
-TooKe, California
This book is a epiphany! I could not put it down, it challenges everything we thought we knew about ourselves, our universe and our existence. I
now have a completely new understanding of what life is about and why
we are here. Now I look at everything in a new awakened state of mind
This book changes everything!
-John Arnaut, Lakeside, Mo.
Thank you so much! I am reading the book and it is absolutely awesome! All day I have been seeing the world through new eyes and it is truly
liberating! I have read many metaphysical spiritual books, but your book
is clear, concise and not verbose, just beautifully easy to read.
And mind-blowing too!
Alice, United Kingdom
I enjoyed reading “Becoming God” and was pleasantly surprised at the number of books and authors we’ve shared on our journeys and the similar
conclusions for which we’ve each found our own personal proofs. The icing
on the cake for me was your closing chapter, which began with “Row, row,
row your boat…” The fact that song is traditionally sung in round is something
I’ve always thought particularly telling of its theme.
-Valetta Anderson, Decatur Georgia
Hi Ford,
What a fabulous video, I think I'll repost it for you so my friends can see it. "Becoming God" is absolutly one of the best books I've ever read.
You were my favorite episode of "The Indigo Room". I'm looking
forward to chatting with you again in the future.
Diane, The Indigo Room Radio Host
I heard your interview on the Indigo Room podcast and then I bought your book, which I received a few days ago. Thank you! I finished it this morning and again
I say, “Thank you!” Or maybe I should say, “Thank me!” After all, I did dream
you into my experience, right? Becoming God is awesome and “ah-ha”-inspiring.
It was just what I was looking for at this moment to help me get my mind around
things I was having a hard time with. I love the Multi-verse concept and have already
begun incorporating it into my way of thinking and handling things. For instance,
when I begin to feel a hot flash coming on, instead of getting frustrated and struggling
against it (which only makes them worse), I make the following statement to myself:
“I choose a universe in which I am free of hot-flashes.” I mean it when I say it, at
the same time visualizing myself slipping into a universe in which I do not experience
hot flashes. And not only has this worked every time, but they are happening less and
less frequently! I know, it seems like kind of a small thing, and it would seem that way
to me, too, if I had not been having them for the last couple of years. It was worth buying
your book just for the experience of knowing I can “slip” out of them any time I choose.
Sandy Nance, Highly Az.