So what is this book about exactly?
This is not a motivational book or a religious book, nor is this a book about science. Those who have already read this have picked it to be one or the other and some have chosen it to be all three. I say to the reader, this book is whatever you want it to be. The funny thing is, this spiritually enlightening book ironically began as a book to debunk spirituality through science (I think anyone can find the humor in this). I was not the authority on this subject when I began, but I believe I am now.
We have become a society so distracted by technological advances and on demand entertainment that we have become isolated and disconnected. We forgot to ask questions and talk about meaningful things to raise our conscious level and our self- awareness. My message, at its core, is to get people to start talking again and recognize their infinite self-worth just as I did so that they too can ask the next question.
This book is about examining the most important questions you have ever had in your life. Everyone yearns to understand the meaning of life. Everyone is deeply perplexed about who or what God is, where we came from, and where we are going when we die. These are important questions and we shouldn’t feel bad for asking them nor exploring different ideas about them. Whether you are a Religious person, Spiritual or an Atheist Becoming God is the key to unifying these different points of view to answer the enigmatic questions that have haunted us our entire lives.
In the last few years, modern science has painted a very different picture of reality. Our once enormous Universe has been reduced to virtually nothing when compared to the vastness and complexity of the newly discovered Multiverse. Our once firm understanding of the laws of physics as the framework for all Reality has been shattered by the laws of the quantum world. Neuroscience, Chaos Theory, String Theory, Quantum Computation, and Transpersonal Psychology are all redefining what reality is and where "we", the observer, fit into the mix.
This book will take you on a mind blowing journey introducing these new discoveries and concepts and explains them in a language that anyone can relate to. What's most amazing is that when we describe these scientific concepts in a generic and layman's way using common metaphors that we can all relate to, we are in fact, unraveling the language of God. This is because the metaphors required to rationalize any of the science mirrors the metaphors and parables all religions have used to describe divinity for thousands of years.
The single constant found in every belief, including science, is metaphor. Metaphors symbolically reflect and represent the underlying thoughts of our collective conscious. In other words, because we all share a single mind, "a collective conscious", any thoughts we have about anything are expressed metaphorically through the pictures, sounds, smells and feelings that make up our reality. Reality is not something separate from you, it is you. The reality around you is the manifested expression of your inner most thoughts and emotions. Manifested in the form of metaphor.
Just as our dreams speak to us through symbolism and metaphor the dreamer that is our collective mind speaks volumes to us through symbols and metaphor. Understanding this and learning how to recognize these symbols and their meaning is a process of awakening from this reality. This awakening is a transcendence of consciousness that is the unification of all observers witnessing the world simultaneously. As fantastic as all of this sounds, these ideas finally have the scientific credulity to support this new philosophy of the modern world. The newly discovered evidence to support the concept of the single mind reality is redefining every science, philosophy and religion we come to know.
Beyond this, your new perspective of life from that of the collective mind-reality is equally humbling as it is empowering. With an understanding of the mechanics of this mind-reality we can fix it and fine tune it to emanate the life we consciously desire to have. With this lucid understanding, your desires and aspirations are no longer confined to the dream world of our unconscious sleep, but will instead become the dreams of your waking reality. You will understand how and why the concepts of Meditation and The Law of Attraction work and you will better understand how to implement these techniques to manifest the life you desire.