Q: Why do you say Becoming God? A: I get many letters from people eager to tell me that we are already God and therefore the title of this book is incorrect. I assure them that the title could not be more appropriate and here is why....
Yes, we are already everything (God). This book scrutinizes this ideology and dives deep into the process of Transcending to this concept. Because everything is infinite, Transcendence is a never ending process of unfolding "me", to which "you" and the person I see in the mirror, are merely beings created to offer different points of view to this unfolding process. In other words, "What am I?" is the question "I" will ask forever from different points of view.
It's hard to sum the book up into a sound bite, but what I am trying to say is that yes, we already are God, but we can never fully appreciate the gravity of this concept because Awareness itself is a never ending process. We will be forever unfolding, we will be forever in the process of Becoming God.
Q: How is this book different from "The Secret" and "What The Bleep Do We Know? A: Both "The Secret" and "What The Bleep Do We Know?" did a tremendous service by commercially introducing these concepts to the world. However, this book goes way beyond those ideas by exploring these concepts to the limits of human consciousness. Not only does this book explore the principles of The Law of Attraction, and other Visualization techniques, this book explains to you the scientific principles behind these seemingly impossible ideas. By understanding the mechanics of how and why these techniques work, you will be able to utilize your abilities beyond anything you have ever imagined possible. This is something no book has ever attempted before. By understanding the process by which these techniques work you will be able to better develop them for yourself making the practice far more effective and easier to achieve.
But more importantly, this book dives deep into the philosophy that makes these techniques possible. With new understanding of the true nature of reality, this book will take you on a mind numbing journey closely examining the essence of "The Self" and The Ultimate Awareness of our divinity. By the end of this book you will know who and what God is and understand your true purpose in life. You will understand that receiving has nothing to do with our purpose, that on the contrary, it is through giving that we receive our greatest rewards.
It is through giving from our infinitely abundant source that we become closer to our divinity than anything else and find content and gratitude for what we already have and already are. It is within this contentment that we receive everything we have ever dreamed of because we are now in commune with our true infinite self.
Q: What is Self-Awareness? A: There is no matter as such. All matter (Atoms, sub-atomic particles, and everything that those things make up) is a supposition of the mind. Every physical thing you know, and non-physical thing (such as a thought form or memory) is a figment of your imagination within the realms of a conscious mind. This mind is divided into three states of rationalization:
The First level of consciousness is The Superconscious. Sometimes called the "Collective Conscious" or "Super Ego", this area is Everything. It is the hard drive, if you will, containing all of the information used to create all that we know. This is why I call it "God". In the Bible, God is said to be the essence of all things.
The Second level of consciousness is The Id. The Id represents nothing or eternal "Lack". This state of consciousness is set in direct opposition to the Superconscious mind of infinite all and abundance. The Id lacks, the Superconscious provides. It is this opposition that creates a stream of conscious thinking.
The Third level of consciousness is the Relative Conscious Mind, more often referred to as "The Ego". This level of consciousness acts both consciously and unconsciously (or Sub-consciously) and moves throughout the stream of consciousness. The job of The Ego is to analyze and interpret this stream of thought that flows from the Super-conscious Mind to the Id by asking, "How is this relative to me?". It does this through experience or "life".
It is through life's experiences that we relate to our ideas physically through our bodies (which is a metaphor) as well as emotionally and cognitively.
The only way for "One" (The Relative Conscious Ego whom "you" or "I" has identified as "Me") to feel the full effects of this mechanism of consciousness, is to forget everything we know about the mechanics of the entire stream of consciousness. However, so not to completely forget, we leave clues and reminders for ourselves to aid us in "awakening" out of the conscious mind of the Ego and into the Sub-conscious mind who holds a view and identity of the "Self" as the entire process.
Becoming consciously aware of this mechanism is in fact, this process of "awakening" in which we call "Self-Awareness". By becoming aware of this stream of consciousness, one realizes that who they are extends far beyond the boundaries of the Relative Conscious mind. Furthermore, it is the realization that the Identity "I" expands across a stream of multiple levels of consciousness. It is this realization that many religions and various practices of spirituality have traditionally called Zen, Enlightenment, Christ Consciousness, Kabbalah, etc....
All of this though, hardly defines Self-Awareness. This is because part of becoming Self-Aware is the understanding that, each time we forget and awaken to this process, the conscious system has then evolved into something new. It will do this forever, expanding and growing forever which is why we will forever be in the process of "Becoming God".
Q: Where can I go to learn more about these philosophies? A: The answer is right here. BecomingGod.org will soon have a blog where you can meet other like minded individuals, exchange contact information and complete FORD's original manuscript with ideas of your own. Unfortunately, as we become inundated with the details of life, it becomes easy to loose ourselves in ego. It is only through being in "this conversation" that we remain aware of our true self. By participating in our blog and signing our guest book, you will be informed of events taking place in your area, events to keep you in the conversation and introduce you to other like minded people in your area. It is our intention to form Self-Awareness Centers Globally through our 501c Non-Profit organization. These centers will ponder the concepts presented in Becoming God in order to keep the "conversation" alive and well within the human consciousness. We are participating with community centers, out reach centers, and churches to bring this conversation to the people who truly want to make a difference in this world. Q: Is This a Religion? A: The answer is, this is whatever you want or need it be. This message is about teaching you how to search within yourself for the answers you have longed for your entire life. This message is about finding God within yourself without rhetoric from the church, flowery metaphysical metaphors or complicated mathematics. This is the unification of Science and Spirituality, and the alliance of all Religion. As this book will show you, everyone is right, we're just using different words. This organization will never ask you for Tithings, or insist that you buy a money candle, or spend your sabbath repenting. We will never ask anything of you at all except for an open mind, benevolence towards our differences and courage to face your fears. What we offer is education, not preaching for those students who wish to learn. We will teach you that you do not need to belong to anything because we are already connected. We are connected to not only every conscious being, but we are connected to every physical thing in this world. It is through this understanding that you will know everything. You will know that you are God and you will know that you have the power to make this world the Utopia we have all hoped and dreamt of. We will teach you how to focus on yourself and your family by bringing you closer together through conversation. We will teach you how to utilize the limitless potential that you have within you. We will teach you how to find everlasting happiness and how to spread this infinitely abundant joy to everyone you encounter. These are the lessons Religion has failed to teach us. They are the lessons the world needs so desperately now.
Q: Why do you charge for the book?
A: When I first published Becoming God, I gave the book away for free. I printed many copies at great expense and I handed them out to anyone who seemed interested. Over time I realized that most wouldn't set aside time to read the book. I soon realized that transcendental consciousness was something that an individual needs to want for themselves. It wasn't enough to want this for someone else. Most of the time we only recognize the value of something when there is a price tag associated with it. For those people, I happily make the book available for a price, associating a sense of value and worth to this work. Q: How can I help spread this new conscious awareness? A: There are many ways for you to help by getting involved with The Becoming God Organization, and many ways for you to have an integral part in our global awareness and unification project. For the first time in the history of human awareness, there is a real opportunity to have a significant impact on our planet by raising the conscious level of every human being. For the first time we will be treating the essence of the problems of the world rather than the symptoms. For the most significant change begins within each and every one of us. We need your help to bring this most important message to the world. We are currently looking for help in: • Distribution (retail or digital sales) • Organizers to set up speaking engagements at your Campus, Church, or Community Center • Press Awareness • Word of mouth. Get in the conversation. Help Spread the Message! More than anything, tell your friends. Tell your family. Make a difference with your life by changing someone else's. This is the message the world has been waiting for. This is the message that unites us all at every conscious level. Contact: ford@becominggod.org to find out how you can be apart of this magnificent movement.
Anything is possible if we believe that it is. After all, Life is but a dream.